Thursday 17 October 2013

Sticky Note Brace Face

So right now it's 9:22am and instead of slacking off in gym class, I'm sitting in my orthodontics office and will be for at least the next hour. Why nobody asks? It's simple Mr.Air, my mum has a very important and non-rebookable dentist appointment at 9:30am and mine is it 10:15. Therefore there was no possible way for me to get here on time so might as well drop me off and hour early, right? 

Bleh, it's actually not that bad here. The aura is friendly and warm and the radio station has soothing voices (shuddup). I have my iPod and iPhone so I'm just gonna loner it up and yeah.

So the shirt I'm wearing is a dark fluorescent pink sweatshirt and I am so happy because it is bigger! The elastic parts of it are too big to cling to my chub so I don't know, I guess that's like the only good thing about this morning. I've totally realized that all fights my parents get into (which is a lot lately) are all caused because of my sister. Today she decided to take her truck to school even though she said she would get the bus or a ride from her boyfriend so my mum and I could use it. We spent like half and hour(?) driving around looking for the damn truck so my mum was no doubt gonna be late for her appointment. Ugh, yesterday she tried to ask my oh-so broke and in-debt parents for $22 000 for a brand new car. Wtf bitch! If we have to move in to a cardboard box it's all her fucking fault, she is the worst with money. When I turn 16 and get my license my first car is going to be at least 13 years old. But I'm totally cool with that because I just need one that moves safely and that I can use to transport my harp in safely. And then there's my sister, wanting new everything, every 2 months.

So I got into my appointment early! 9:33 I went in. It's 10:06 right now. It went good. I got two more bracket so now I don't have annoying springs, yes! Haha, and I got fluorescent orange as my colour. The ladys breath smelt nice. It was a very sweet and subtle coffee smell. It was kinda funny because when they put on brackets the pull apart your cheeks with these plastic things so you look really retarded. To make it less awkward when the assistant left to get the orthodontist she put a hard plastic sheet over my mouth but it fell off so she put an orange sticky note on my face. Bahaha, it was hilarious.

Gonna go out for lunch now with my mum. Write more later. Chao!


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