Thursday 17 October 2013

Living At (My Piano Teachers) Home

I swear I am at my piano teachers house more often after school than I am at my own.-. Like seriously, now that White Rice and I have lessons right after each other, I spend from 3:15-5:30 at her home once a week, plus I babysit 1-2 times every week or so. JESUS. I am never home. Aha.

Anyway today is Rice's and I's first lesson together so we're just chilling in silence on her couch as this adorable little five year old takes her piano lesson (my mum had her lesson just before the little girl and she was no where we as cute, aha). It's kinda hard being silent for so long and not doing much, therefore I am blogging because then I get some done and also I can talk inside of my head and not feel insane. XD

I really just want to get home and practice harp. Plus Cherry and I's matching purses finally came! :D 3 weeks and 1 day I've been waiting. So happy. ;D


P.s. I think the five year old is on drugs, she is laughing hysterically for no reason. @_@

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