Wednesday 9 October 2013


So guys over the weekend I went to Calgary and seen a concert. Who was it you ask? We'll let me fill you in.
Oh my gosh it was the best. So to all of our readers do you know what a mosh pit is? Yea? Well I didn't, So let me explain. It's basically a big circle that the people in run around and body slam each other. So one of the bands before BVB wanted to do one,So we did it. When I was backing up some huge bald asshole hit me right in the jaw(I have a bruise there) so I freaked out and punched him in the face. Then later he was swaying WHO SWAYS TO HEAVY METAL but he was swaying so I reached up and hit him again, He stayed away from me after that. And then after BVB was Bullet for My Valentine. I like them but not that much, So I was going to stay when I realized how gross it was.
Let me start this by saying all of the bands made comments on how it smelt like weed but I never realized it cause. I know people who do (I also have athsma) so before Bullet started you could literally reach forward and be up to your forearm in a weed could,It was discusting. So I had to leave, And on my way out (I was in the front so I had to shove through a lot of people) some guy literally would not move! So I was there waiting for him to move when somebody behind me totally butt groped me. Like seriously,Just grabbed my butt. So I spun around and hit him,And turned back to find that the obnoxious knob had moved out of my way,So I left. I was waiting in the front for my friend when a bunch of drunk fucks started to chat me up and cat call me (In the middle of a stadium filled with people way hotter than I) so I moved a bunch. When I settled on one place it was creepy cause the guitarist(or bass player) was talking to a bunch of fans and it looked like he wanted to Mack on this one who look WAAAAY to young for him. But then my friend came out and we bought some shirts before leaving. They only had XXL left (I'm Medium) so as I write this Im wearing a shirt that is extremely too big for me. But hey,It's got Andy on it,So I'm totally cool with it.
Then for like 3 Hours after the concert I was still screaming cause I couldn't hear right.
That's all for now, But question. Who is also part of the BVBArmy?


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