Wednesday 2 October 2013

There's a Penny on my desk

So today in the middle of science we were doing something that couldn't have too much noise but you were allowed to talk or move. So since Kei is 'Friends' with Penny I sorta act that way too,And just because I don't wanna be a total asshole and tell her to fuck off,Even though I'd like to more than anything right now. 
So in science I was at my desk doing my stuff and really not talking to anyone because I wanted to get my stuff done. I was taking to Kei but that's it cause I always talk to Kei and borrow her stuff, All the time. So it was right after I gave Kei her stuff back at Penny came to talk to Kei about some stuff. So I guess the music that was playing was Penny's jam because she came up to my desk and started to dance to like a whore. And she had a little paper booklet in her hand, and before I start to complain let me say I flinch all the time (That's why I don't I don't play 2 for flinching, Cause I lose every time)
And she was shoving it in front of my face,  and she did that about two times and when she stopped she started to hit me on the head with it. So I was like
"Kay, Penny can you not"
And I'm not the loudest person so she either didn't hear me or she chose to ignore me. So this time I raised my voice a bit and moved so she couldn't hit me before saying it again.
"I'm not kidding,like seriously,Could you not"
So she looked at me before walking away and huffing "Cool, I don't really care though"
and I swear to god she glared at me the rest of the day.
And the reason she was so happy but then turned into a prissy bitch wasnot. NOT because she is Bipolar, Thats what she thinks. If you bring it up she gets all offended but then she's like 
"It's cause I'm Bipolar"
But trust me, Bipolar comes in two different types. There's one where you have the same emotion for a very long time before changing or the other where your emotions change snapshow quick. And that might make you say "That must mean she has the second one" But once again,No. She only gets pissy at certain people. She has hates (Like PianoWhore) She has neutrals (Like me) and she has favourites (Like Kei) and that's how she acts towards you. I was Bipolar in grade 5-7(Grade 8 changed me, it got better) and the thing if since I really was I didn't get pissy and certain people like Penny. I'd walk in to class, Perfectly happy, Then my BESTFRIEND or my WORST ENEMY could ask how I was and I'd get very angry and just be rude and then I'd drop my pen and I would or almost would start to cry. That's what the second type is, No favourites,No Choice,No nothing. I didn't want to get mad at everybody but I did, I didn't want to yell at my bestie but I did,Because I was bipolar. Penny is just as her name describes. A total lying whore. And because that is the case I really don't like her, Last year when I was new in my school I started to be her friend and I noticed it then too, And it just Bugs me so much. And being honest I would not hesistate to slap her in the face, Escpecially for what she said to Kei the other day.
Let me tell you about Kei. She is the nicest person ever! I already said how she helps me with math,But she does so much more then that and it's amazing. She's also a natural beauty. I'd describe her looks but I can't cause you might know her so let me just say she looks like a Disney princess. She doesn't believe me though because she thinks she's too short and chubby,But she's not, She's GORGEOUS. 
So the other day Kei,Penny,Our other friend,and I were all at WeDay. And for this day Kei decided to put on a little bit of make up(Only eye makeup) and that's it. Penny on the other hand wears so much make up she looks like a total whore. So Penny and Kei were talking and Penny said,And I quote
"You look pretty naturally but you look ten times prettier with makeup"
And at the time I just made a joke. I said 
"If you were a makeup company that'd be your slogan"
But if we weren't in a totally crowded place I would have sassed the living shit out of her. That's such a mean thing to say, Especially to a gorgeous person like Kei, If it was me shed said it to I would have dropped it by now (2Days later) but Kei doesn't deserve that. So I honestly  wanted to slap her right in the face because she deserves it. It'll put her in her place.


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