Wednesday 23 October 2013


So I'm in choir and Keis in orchestra. She is what. I like to call a'Naturally good at everything fucking tool bitch face who can do everything'
And I am what I like to call,A big loser.
So we had a performance today,It was at Montrose. And Kei gave mea ride because my parents didn't want to come (Kinda sad) But for tonight Kei is all the family I need. So we went to our separate rooms and as I was sitting there a lot of people started talkingt to me,It was actually really nice because I'd only met like,Half of them this morning. And then we went on stage. Orchestra performed first so I was super proud of Kei,She was AMAZING. And she was kinda the only one that was......
And next was us. During our three songs Kei was taking all kinds of pictures and videos of me and it actually made me really happy because I wanna be a singer when I grow up,So just that awesome thought was really....Awesome.
That's all. I really had to say



Monday 21 October 2013

Tattoos and Teachers

So first is the topic of teachers. Kei and I have this teacher and for now I shall just call her BitchCow. For reasons that should be pretty obvious to you guys. And the reason I find her to be a total BitchCow is because she favourites,Put other students down,and just all together sucks. 
In a future post she might not be bitch cow. Check nickinotesfor updates
So she favours one student in our class. I'm not going to name her but she just favours one of us and it sucks because we all know that teachers have a favourite. But you're supposed to be so fucking obvious about it. So one day in the middle of leader ship I got fed up with it because everybody was talking about how she's graduate earlier than everyone. So I sat there and half jokingly but really I was serious said
"Well ya never know. Maybe ****** isn't going to graduate until she's 35"
To which my teacher replied
"Of course she won't graduate until 35. That's probably how long it'll take to get your doctors degree"
So I was pissed "NO. Maybe she won't graduate until 35 because she lives in    cardboard box and can't graduate. Maybe that'll happen,Like what about the rest of us?w hat about Me? And Kei? And WhiteRice? And everybody here has a chance of early graduation like for Christ sakes,We're only in Gr.9"
" well I've been hearing things about you and. Kei that aren't all sunshine  and rainbows. Am I right?"
Kei,Knowing me oh so well,Could tell Iw as about to lunge across the desk and throttle BitchCow so she just started to whisper things to me about how I need to calm my shit. So I did,But I still hate her. She literally put two of us down for one students ego. So she just sucks ass. 
And now we're doing some family shirt so we have to choose a dish that represents our family. So since I'm Irish,Newfie,German,and....Something else. I'm not going take any of those fucking dishes cause they're hard and fucking weird. And when I make something if people criticize it I loose my 'tough girl' persona and almost start to cry,But only if I really tried. So I just said Macaroni Salad,Because it does have some family history but mostly because. I don't wanna do a fucking thing in BitchCows class. But I'm going to try as hard as I can,That way she doesn't have a fucking reason to fail me. And that's why I'm pissed off and haaaaaaate school.
Now to the AWESOME topic of Tattoos.
I seen Keis post about Tattoos and decided to be a huge copy cat and make my own one.
So in Kei's she said about how she wants a girly little dork face tattoo. That's half true for me,I want seven different tattoos but they Allan something. It's not some dumb little thing that means nothing,They all have value to me.
The first one Im getting is Princess Jazmyn on my right wrist in bright pink with a crown that has an opal jem. The reason being I just got a new cousin,So I'm going to do that. Because her mum(My cousin) was the best when I was younger. I wanted to be her and I hope I'm that big of an inspiration for Jazmyn. So I'm marking that. And here's one that you guys might think is strange, Let me examine first.
Ever since I was 5 I had a comic book collection and ever since I was 6 Batman was my favourite and he still is. Ask me any Batman thing and I know it. So on my right rib age I'm getting the Batman symbol. And I still have 5 more,But I won't. Bore you with those.
The point. I think is funny is the difference.
Kei wants some little girly thing not he back of her neck and I'm over here,Just like YUP. Fucking tatt me up with the Batman symbol.


Sunday 20 October 2013

The Topic of Tattoos

Cherry and I had a sleep over last night and she ended up getting me like 1/3 into the idea of getting a tattoo. I'm quite girly and lame when it comes to placement and design of 'my dream tattoo' so don't laugh okay!?


I really want my tattoo to either be on my left inner wrist or the back of my neck. My reason for this? I find them cute places to be plus I have long hair so future employers wouldn't be able to see my possible neck tattoo. Yes, the wrist is a more visible spot. Okay, maybe a really visible spot but it's not like i'm getting "Fuck The Police" or a blunt tattooed so it wont be as bad.


+Scorpion: Because i'm a scorpio
+Scorpio 'M' Symbol: I'm not sure what the 'M' is really called but literally all it is is a 'm' with a point on the right end
+Mario 1up Mushroom
+Mario Star Power
+Bass or Treble Cleff

And the one i'm really currently liking...

+'Music Player Settings'

I am also considering putting Evanescence or Seremedy lyrics or maybe something zombie related. C;

Yeah, I know, I know, I am a total bad ass and i'll never get hired with these rebellious tattoos plus i'll scare away my future grandchildren. I'll apologize in advance.


*Just some of my fav tattoo piccy's below*

Thursday 17 October 2013

Living At (My Piano Teachers) Home

I swear I am at my piano teachers house more often after school than I am at my own.-. Like seriously, now that White Rice and I have lessons right after each other, I spend from 3:15-5:30 at her home once a week, plus I babysit 1-2 times every week or so. JESUS. I am never home. Aha.

Anyway today is Rice's and I's first lesson together so we're just chilling in silence on her couch as this adorable little five year old takes her piano lesson (my mum had her lesson just before the little girl and she was no where we as cute, aha). It's kinda hard being silent for so long and not doing much, therefore I am blogging because then I get some done and also I can talk inside of my head and not feel insane. XD

I really just want to get home and practice harp. Plus Cherry and I's matching purses finally came! :D 3 weeks and 1 day I've been waiting. So happy. ;D


P.s. I think the five year old is on drugs, she is laughing hysterically for no reason. @_@

Sticky Note Brace Face

So right now it's 9:22am and instead of slacking off in gym class, I'm sitting in my orthodontics office and will be for at least the next hour. Why nobody asks? It's simple Mr.Air, my mum has a very important and non-rebookable dentist appointment at 9:30am and mine is it 10:15. Therefore there was no possible way for me to get here on time so might as well drop me off and hour early, right? 

Bleh, it's actually not that bad here. The aura is friendly and warm and the radio station has soothing voices (shuddup). I have my iPod and iPhone so I'm just gonna loner it up and yeah.

So the shirt I'm wearing is a dark fluorescent pink sweatshirt and I am so happy because it is bigger! The elastic parts of it are too big to cling to my chub so I don't know, I guess that's like the only good thing about this morning. I've totally realized that all fights my parents get into (which is a lot lately) are all caused because of my sister. Today she decided to take her truck to school even though she said she would get the bus or a ride from her boyfriend so my mum and I could use it. We spent like half and hour(?) driving around looking for the damn truck so my mum was no doubt gonna be late for her appointment. Ugh, yesterday she tried to ask my oh-so broke and in-debt parents for $22 000 for a brand new car. Wtf bitch! If we have to move in to a cardboard box it's all her fucking fault, she is the worst with money. When I turn 16 and get my license my first car is going to be at least 13 years old. But I'm totally cool with that because I just need one that moves safely and that I can use to transport my harp in safely. And then there's my sister, wanting new everything, every 2 months.

So I got into my appointment early! 9:33 I went in. It's 10:06 right now. It went good. I got two more bracket so now I don't have annoying springs, yes! Haha, and I got fluorescent orange as my colour. The ladys breath smelt nice. It was a very sweet and subtle coffee smell. It was kinda funny because when they put on brackets the pull apart your cheeks with these plastic things so you look really retarded. To make it less awkward when the assistant left to get the orthodontist she put a hard plastic sheet over my mouth but it fell off so she put an orange sticky note on my face. Bahaha, it was hilarious.

Gonna go out for lunch now with my mum. Write more later. Chao!


Wednesday 16 October 2013


So recently I've become even more obsessed with my online life and have decided to prance around on multiple social media sites under the screen name SkeletonKei. I have so far made damage on Twitter, Line, Line Cafe+, Instagram, Myspace, and Blogger. I really like having an online life where nobody (or just Cherry) knows about! I currently have one but I wanna use the whole SkeletonKei thing after I complete my weight loss journey and i'm (hopefully) all skinny and pretty and I can finally let out my inner 'tumblr' white girl. :)

My instagram is being neglected currently because I can't post much until i'm skinny because that's when i'm gonna start getting back into my photography lameness. Also i'm going to set up a tumblr tomorrow as a pass time and a way to ignore my hunger pains. I've had tumblr before but for literally 5 minutes because I broke it, which wasn't a bad thing because I really didn't see much in it.

Enough rambling, on to my main topic: MySpace

Call me old fashioned all you want you dick turtles but I was reading a pro-ana blog and they suggested setting up a MySpace to fight off hunger pains and distract you from food, so I decided to do it. I actually really enjoy it so far and I think I might use it instead of instagram for my photography at first. Mainly because no one at my school has MySpace but also because I like how you can play music and make play lists and crap. I'll no doubt eventually write another blog post about MySpace once i'm really into it and start using all of the features, aha. I'm gonna show it to Cherry and hopefully she'll like it too. c:

Ta ta for now!



Guess who's being a sexual taco and staying up till 10pm? That's right, Kei is + it's a school night. I feel like one sleepy bad ass! And yeah, I know 10 is like super early for normal people but I usually go to bed at 8:30 and wake up at 5:00am because I am a loser. Aha.

Why is this post titled Madonna you ask? Well theres two reasons for that my lovely potato wedges.

1. Madonna Brows.

I have the worlds darkest eyebrows for a natural blonde. Like seriously! My eyebrows are way darker than two shades and I hate it because you can see them and all of their ugliness through my bangs. The other day Cherry and I were hanging out and she said that Perrie from Little Mix (Cherry is into british artists, aha) dies her eyebrows darker than her hair color because she likes it and whatnot. Now I can't remember what I said, but knowing me I probably had some sort of snarky comment. And even though that came out of my mouth it still made me like 1/8 happier about my eyebrows.

2. Music

I literally am writing this in four minutes because I want to flop down on my oh-so broken bed at exactly 10, which made me think of 4 minutes by Justin Timberlake and Madonna... Yeah, i'm cool.

It's 9:59 and I've stated all of my lameness so goodnight~


Monday 14 October 2013

Stupid Games

So Kei and I always hang out,Whether We're just doing HomeWork or something actually exciting we're together 90% of the time. Usually when one of us if some where the other is attached at the hip.
So Kei borrowed my notes yesterday(Cause she LOST hers. Naughty Kei)
So today we hung out all day. She stayed at my place and helped with HW and then we went to her place and fucked around on her computer. So we were on addicting games and then we were playing this game. 'Escape the Fast  food' or some dumb thing. So literally the first time I fucked it up but then we were on a roll because we knew where everything was. But then since we blasted through most of it in 2 minutes there was one part we didn't know. So we clicked everything and tried to do everything but then in the end we had to cheat. So we wasted 20 minutes trying to figure it out then 5 minutes waiting for the cheat video to load....Well Kei as waiting for the video on her iPod I was being a computer whore and watching BVB videos on YouTube. So then when the damn thing actually loaded we figured out you had to open the stupid fucking pin and shove it in the key hole to get the Ice Cream cone.
So when that was figured out I laughed for At least 20 minutes after it was done. When she said that I fell on her laughing and she was just sitting there.
So after we figured that out it was dinner. 
But we were reading through the comments trying to figure out hints and cheats but in all reality we just sucked so much!! It took us like 25 minutes to beat this dumb computer game. There was one comment that Kei was swearing at because if said he beat it in two minutes.
Ya know what computer Kid?
So I'm quite angry at computers and technology all together. Just because I suck at it so much and honestly always have.


Wednesday 9 October 2013


So guys over the weekend I went to Calgary and seen a concert. Who was it you ask? We'll let me fill you in.
Oh my gosh it was the best. So to all of our readers do you know what a mosh pit is? Yea? Well I didn't, So let me explain. It's basically a big circle that the people in run around and body slam each other. So one of the bands before BVB wanted to do one,So we did it. When I was backing up some huge bald asshole hit me right in the jaw(I have a bruise there) so I freaked out and punched him in the face. Then later he was swaying WHO SWAYS TO HEAVY METAL but he was swaying so I reached up and hit him again, He stayed away from me after that. And then after BVB was Bullet for My Valentine. I like them but not that much, So I was going to stay when I realized how gross it was.
Let me start this by saying all of the bands made comments on how it smelt like weed but I never realized it cause. I know people who do (I also have athsma) so before Bullet started you could literally reach forward and be up to your forearm in a weed could,It was discusting. So I had to leave, And on my way out (I was in the front so I had to shove through a lot of people) some guy literally would not move! So I was there waiting for him to move when somebody behind me totally butt groped me. Like seriously,Just grabbed my butt. So I spun around and hit him,And turned back to find that the obnoxious knob had moved out of my way,So I left. I was waiting in the front for my friend when a bunch of drunk fucks started to chat me up and cat call me (In the middle of a stadium filled with people way hotter than I) so I moved a bunch. When I settled on one place it was creepy cause the guitarist(or bass player) was talking to a bunch of fans and it looked like he wanted to Mack on this one who look WAAAAY to young for him. But then my friend came out and we bought some shirts before leaving. They only had XXL left (I'm Medium) so as I write this Im wearing a shirt that is extremely too big for me. But hey,It's got Andy on it,So I'm totally cool with it.
Then for like 3 Hours after the concert I was still screaming cause I couldn't hear right.
That's all for now, But question. Who is also part of the BVBArmy?



Oh my god so I'm home sick again and I feel all gross and shit. I got my tonsils removed and the doctor said,And I quote.
"Now that your tonsils are gone they obviously won't come back and you won't get sick anymore"
First cause I'm like 86% sure that my tonsils have remade the selfs guests in my body and that sucks.
Secondly because I'm sicker than I have been in like two years. Yesterday I had to leave school because I puked in the middle of art(Thank god I made it to the bathroom) and then today I've been puking like crazy,I have a horrible cough,and I have the whole sneezy nose runny thing. So I got to miss school so I could puke my guts up and write. It's about 8 now but all day I've just been doing stuff. So,Did you guys know it was possible to puke in your sleep,Well I didn't. Turns out I scared the living shit out of my dad when he walked in to my room to ask if I wanted something(He never told me what) and found me dead asleep and puking all over fucking everything. It was really gross to be honest.
And call me screwed up but when I was puking all I could think of was "Hey. You can loose weight this way" and I know myself,That is 100% fucked because even though I could probably die from that/this I was thinking about loosing weight.
But when I wasn't being a fuck up I was on/Thinking about Twitter. I LOVE TWITTER.
Like I love it because it's just so awesome. Like for example I love BlackVeilBrides #BVbArmy
And I followed Andy on my twitter. Literally 10 minutes after I followed him so many other poeple started following me. Like I got Greg Suarez(This Fallen empire singer) and like 10 other heavy metal people followed me,Including Andie Angeldust(The drummer in OverWorld)
And I love all of those bands(BlackVeilBrides,OverWorld,and This Fallen Empire).
The funny thing is Greg is like,The funniest person on Twitter. He claims to be Batman(But you guys should know from the posts that Kei and I made that I am the Batman)
But I said something and he favourited it and he's not like the stuck up Twitter people who don't acknowledge their followers, He's pretty awesome. So that's why I love Twitter,Some of the people are awesome and when you find a hot person you can ogle over their photos COUGHCOUGHANDYBIERSACKCOUGHCOUGH
Sorry guys I must be sick.
But that's just the type of crap that I do when I'm sick


Tuesday 8 October 2013

I look at Thinspo like guys look at Porn.

Hey peeps! Haha just kidding, literally Cherry and I are the only ones who read this blog (sadly), so I just i'm just writing to myself and her. Anyway, i'm writing because I was 'sick' from school today and i'm extremely bored. Yes, I am a total loser when it comes to skipping school but it makes starving easier. "Wait! What?" Yeah, you heard me, starving. It's that thing people do when they're un-happy with their weight. I'm doing it right now because after 25 pounds lost in a healthy manner i've hit a plateau. Before Sunday, October 6th I had only lost like 2-3 pounds in a month because my body had just adapted to my eating habits and work out schedule and whatnot. I've gotten very impatient so i've decided to consume too few calories, 500 a day. I just started my third day and i'm already down 3 pounds! Don't get me wrong though, i'm only doing this until saturday to break my plateau and then i'm going back to eating healthy and working out properly.

Why did I skip school today you ask? Well to be just like China Doll! Just kidding, I really want to only have one meal and consume 100-200 calories today because I need to be 125 or less by the end of this week. And i'm not going to lie, being at school makes starving so much easier! But if i don't eat at school my friends might suspect something because just last week I was like lecturing them about eating all 3 meals and making sure it's healthy food and this week I eat absolutely nothing around them? If I had a friend who did that I would no doubt be suspicious! But maybe that's because i'm quite educated when it comes to eating disorders, aha. I got into Ana and Mia tips while looking at Thinspo, which let me just say is my life! I looove Thinspo like there's no tomorrow. I even hoard it on my apple devices but I lock them away in apps with pass codes so my friends can't see my stash of underweight, yet stunningly gorgeous girls.

Where is this blog post headed you ask? I myself really do not know! As I said before i'm just really bored and haven't updated in a while.

Hm, I think thats all for now, so here's a few of my ultimate thinspo's. Xxx.


Wednesday 2 October 2013

There's a Penny on my desk

So today in the middle of science we were doing something that couldn't have too much noise but you were allowed to talk or move. So since Kei is 'Friends' with Penny I sorta act that way too,And just because I don't wanna be a total asshole and tell her to fuck off,Even though I'd like to more than anything right now. 
So in science I was at my desk doing my stuff and really not talking to anyone because I wanted to get my stuff done. I was taking to Kei but that's it cause I always talk to Kei and borrow her stuff, All the time. So it was right after I gave Kei her stuff back at Penny came to talk to Kei about some stuff. So I guess the music that was playing was Penny's jam because she came up to my desk and started to dance to like a whore. And she had a little paper booklet in her hand, and before I start to complain let me say I flinch all the time (That's why I don't I don't play 2 for flinching, Cause I lose every time)
And she was shoving it in front of my face,  and she did that about two times and when she stopped she started to hit me on the head with it. So I was like
"Kay, Penny can you not"
And I'm not the loudest person so she either didn't hear me or she chose to ignore me. So this time I raised my voice a bit and moved so she couldn't hit me before saying it again.
"I'm not kidding,like seriously,Could you not"
So she looked at me before walking away and huffing "Cool, I don't really care though"
and I swear to god she glared at me the rest of the day.
And the reason she was so happy but then turned into a prissy bitch wasnot. NOT because she is Bipolar, Thats what she thinks. If you bring it up she gets all offended but then she's like 
"It's cause I'm Bipolar"
But trust me, Bipolar comes in two different types. There's one where you have the same emotion for a very long time before changing or the other where your emotions change snapshow quick. And that might make you say "That must mean she has the second one" But once again,No. She only gets pissy at certain people. She has hates (Like PianoWhore) She has neutrals (Like me) and she has favourites (Like Kei) and that's how she acts towards you. I was Bipolar in grade 5-7(Grade 8 changed me, it got better) and the thing if since I really was I didn't get pissy and certain people like Penny. I'd walk in to class, Perfectly happy, Then my BESTFRIEND or my WORST ENEMY could ask how I was and I'd get very angry and just be rude and then I'd drop my pen and I would or almost would start to cry. That's what the second type is, No favourites,No Choice,No nothing. I didn't want to get mad at everybody but I did, I didn't want to yell at my bestie but I did,Because I was bipolar. Penny is just as her name describes. A total lying whore. And because that is the case I really don't like her, Last year when I was new in my school I started to be her friend and I noticed it then too, And it just Bugs me so much. And being honest I would not hesistate to slap her in the face, Escpecially for what she said to Kei the other day.
Let me tell you about Kei. She is the nicest person ever! I already said how she helps me with math,But she does so much more then that and it's amazing. She's also a natural beauty. I'd describe her looks but I can't cause you might know her so let me just say she looks like a Disney princess. She doesn't believe me though because she thinks she's too short and chubby,But she's not, She's GORGEOUS. 
So the other day Kei,Penny,Our other friend,and I were all at WeDay. And for this day Kei decided to put on a little bit of make up(Only eye makeup) and that's it. Penny on the other hand wears so much make up she looks like a total whore. So Penny and Kei were talking and Penny said,And I quote
"You look pretty naturally but you look ten times prettier with makeup"
And at the time I just made a joke. I said 
"If you were a makeup company that'd be your slogan"
But if we weren't in a totally crowded place I would have sassed the living shit out of her. That's such a mean thing to say, Especially to a gorgeous person like Kei, If it was me shed said it to I would have dropped it by now (2Days later) but Kei doesn't deserve that. So I honestly  wanted to slap her right in the face because she deserves it. It'll put her in her place.
