Thursday 23 January 2014

Free Project

So in our leadership class Kei and I usually just do a big pile of nothing. But there is a project that has sparked both of our interests. So in an attempt to do something pretty cool we're doing a project that you get to do anything in. So,Kei and I are actually excited about this onr for a change. That means we're actually going to get our shit done. Thats actually why I'm at the library,But I figured I could get a blog in. So why not explain to you guys what has been going on? We  havn't really been blogging and both of us are sorry about that but what can I really say? Kei and I are douches so we often ditch things. We started to write a story together that has maybe,3 chapers. But this blog is going to be run no matter what because I said so and because I'm determined. But for our projects Kei is doing a band that she really likes (I'm going to leave it up to her to say the name of it and I'm doing something that I havn't told anybody yet. Only Kei and..Ya know..I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to make my project about two old English band not a lot of people in our grade listen to. I'm doing it on The Beatles and The Monkees. So there we go,Hope you guys can keep that secret.
So Kei and I have beeen hanging out a lot latley and it's kind of funny in the way that I'm pretty sure I'm like (Another)sister to her. Because she's deifinetly like a sister to me!
But today I was eating my lunch with her and WhiteRice and I had a bun and some water. I was walking around eating my bun when Kei reached for my water instead of her own,So doing the nie thing I was like
"Hey loser,That's my water ya know"
and she drank some before replying "Yea I know"
and when she ordered her lunch we went back upstairs to eat and I just randomly took her wrap to take a bite. Because I just let her and she just lets me.
So,Have I told youguys about our epic loser match in soccer? It wasn't recent but it for sure requires its own page. So I'm going to end this here and start that one. It might not get released super soon though because my Ipad isn't working(It won't connect to the internet)
So I'll leave you to daydream about what our epic loser match might contain,I'll give you a hint though. It includes bruises.

Good Bye my friends

Monday 30 December 2013

When the Kei's flying the Cherry's crying

So Kei is away on vacation in with her mum so that means I'm left here alone with our my Kei! So I've just had to write down all the annoying shit that WhiteRice does and when Kei gets back I can tell her. I tell Kei everything so I'll tell her how my life is going how I failed(another)math test and just that general stuff.
Normally after school Kei and I walk home together so we talk about everything then but since she's away I obviously can't. So I just listen to music on my walks Home,Trying to make if bearable with out someone to talk to.
Have you guys ever been away from your best friend? I literally have nothing to say cause nothing fun has happened.
So merry Christmas,Happy Hanukkah,Happy/Merry Kwanza,Or just enjoy winter break.....Sorry if I missed any,I don't actually know a bunch of religions


Monday 2 December 2013

Weekend illegal stuff

So,Kei and I had a sleepover this weekend(Cause the little bitch is leaving for for a month over Christmas break) So we've had a lot of sleepovers. Wanna know the Kei(See what I did there?) to an amazing sleepover?
1:Internet connection. That way you can listen to music while yelling at each other over eating the wrong colour of skittles
2:Skittles. That way you can push each other out of the chair for,Once Agin,Eating the wrong colour of skittles
3:A CREEPY teacher that you both hate.That way you can both talk about him/her. That's what Kei and I mostly do. There was this teacher we had last year and he said some pretty odd things. For example "I LOOK LIKE A WET BEAR WHEN I GO SWIMMING" and "I NEVER BUY MY GIRLFRIEND FLOWERS YOU GUYS SHOULD"
So without his knowledge he became a source of friendship for us,So that is pretty awesome because we're best friends now. 
4:A band or a few
A) I am a huge fan of a few bands that Kei doesn't like and vice versa. So you need to learn to tolerate each other because we both talk about them so often if Id isn't love Kei I would have ripped her head off by now
B)You both need to have a few you like. We both like Fall Out Boy and Panic!At The Disco. Those are literally our only bonding bands,We both love all of their songs. Sow e can listen to the. And mutually love them.
5: You need to tolerate each other. And I mean that mostly for Kei,She tolerates me. She bugs me sometimes but not very often,I'm the most annoying little shit on the face of the planet. So she needs  to put up with all that stuff,Because if it all bugged her we obviously wouldn't be friends.
That and a few special touches of your own can create one of the best sleepovers ever,That way the next week at school you have stuff to laugh over. Last week Kei and I had a laugh attack in the middle of English and it was just amazing. Our teacher told us we were the strangest people in all of his classes but that's cause we have to many good memories together. You also need to ignore everyone. So many people all judge Kei and I(From an outside perspective you guys would probably call us names too)  paso you need to just say Fuck them I'm having fun with my Best Friend.
Even people who say we're their friends do that. Like White Rice. Whenever we're laughing and she doesn't get why or she doesn't understand the joke she looks at us like a maniac and just says "Yea I'm not going to pretend you're insane or anything" or something along those lines.
I can not tell you how annoying if is. I haven't had a real laugh forever and whenever I do(I have anINSANELY  LOUD LAUGH) she always pats my back and is like "It's okay. Breath,Just breath" and it's SO ANNOYING
Do you really think that it's my fault I sometimes enjoy my laughter? YES. It is my fault Iw ant to have a laugh without being called something or being told to calm down,Like fuck just give me about 5 seconds would ya? But Kei just laughs with me,And it makes it a bit better.


Wednesday 23 October 2013


So I'm in choir and Keis in orchestra. She is what. I like to call a'Naturally good at everything fucking tool bitch face who can do everything'
And I am what I like to call,A big loser.
So we had a performance today,It was at Montrose. And Kei gave mea ride because my parents didn't want to come (Kinda sad) But for tonight Kei is all the family I need. So we went to our separate rooms and as I was sitting there a lot of people started talkingt to me,It was actually really nice because I'd only met like,Half of them this morning. And then we went on stage. Orchestra performed first so I was super proud of Kei,She was AMAZING. And she was kinda the only one that was......
And next was us. During our three songs Kei was taking all kinds of pictures and videos of me and it actually made me really happy because I wanna be a singer when I grow up,So just that awesome thought was really....Awesome.
That's all. I really had to say



Monday 21 October 2013

Tattoos and Teachers

So first is the topic of teachers. Kei and I have this teacher and for now I shall just call her BitchCow. For reasons that should be pretty obvious to you guys. And the reason I find her to be a total BitchCow is because she favourites,Put other students down,and just all together sucks. 
In a future post she might not be bitch cow. Check nickinotesfor updates
So she favours one student in our class. I'm not going to name her but she just favours one of us and it sucks because we all know that teachers have a favourite. But you're supposed to be so fucking obvious about it. So one day in the middle of leader ship I got fed up with it because everybody was talking about how she's graduate earlier than everyone. So I sat there and half jokingly but really I was serious said
"Well ya never know. Maybe ****** isn't going to graduate until she's 35"
To which my teacher replied
"Of course she won't graduate until 35. That's probably how long it'll take to get your doctors degree"
So I was pissed "NO. Maybe she won't graduate until 35 because she lives in    cardboard box and can't graduate. Maybe that'll happen,Like what about the rest of us?w hat about Me? And Kei? And WhiteRice? And everybody here has a chance of early graduation like for Christ sakes,We're only in Gr.9"
" well I've been hearing things about you and. Kei that aren't all sunshine  and rainbows. Am I right?"
Kei,Knowing me oh so well,Could tell Iw as about to lunge across the desk and throttle BitchCow so she just started to whisper things to me about how I need to calm my shit. So I did,But I still hate her. She literally put two of us down for one students ego. So she just sucks ass. 
And now we're doing some family shirt so we have to choose a dish that represents our family. So since I'm Irish,Newfie,German,and....Something else. I'm not going take any of those fucking dishes cause they're hard and fucking weird. And when I make something if people criticize it I loose my 'tough girl' persona and almost start to cry,But only if I really tried. So I just said Macaroni Salad,Because it does have some family history but mostly because. I don't wanna do a fucking thing in BitchCows class. But I'm going to try as hard as I can,That way she doesn't have a fucking reason to fail me. And that's why I'm pissed off and haaaaaaate school.
Now to the AWESOME topic of Tattoos.
I seen Keis post about Tattoos and decided to be a huge copy cat and make my own one.
So in Kei's she said about how she wants a girly little dork face tattoo. That's half true for me,I want seven different tattoos but they Allan something. It's not some dumb little thing that means nothing,They all have value to me.
The first one Im getting is Princess Jazmyn on my right wrist in bright pink with a crown that has an opal jem. The reason being I just got a new cousin,So I'm going to do that. Because her mum(My cousin) was the best when I was younger. I wanted to be her and I hope I'm that big of an inspiration for Jazmyn. So I'm marking that. And here's one that you guys might think is strange, Let me examine first.
Ever since I was 5 I had a comic book collection and ever since I was 6 Batman was my favourite and he still is. Ask me any Batman thing and I know it. So on my right rib age I'm getting the Batman symbol. And I still have 5 more,But I won't. Bore you with those.
The point. I think is funny is the difference.
Kei wants some little girly thing not he back of her neck and I'm over here,Just like YUP. Fucking tatt me up with the Batman symbol.


Sunday 20 October 2013

The Topic of Tattoos

Cherry and I had a sleep over last night and she ended up getting me like 1/3 into the idea of getting a tattoo. I'm quite girly and lame when it comes to placement and design of 'my dream tattoo' so don't laugh okay!?


I really want my tattoo to either be on my left inner wrist or the back of my neck. My reason for this? I find them cute places to be plus I have long hair so future employers wouldn't be able to see my possible neck tattoo. Yes, the wrist is a more visible spot. Okay, maybe a really visible spot but it's not like i'm getting "Fuck The Police" or a blunt tattooed so it wont be as bad.


+Scorpion: Because i'm a scorpio
+Scorpio 'M' Symbol: I'm not sure what the 'M' is really called but literally all it is is a 'm' with a point on the right end
+Mario 1up Mushroom
+Mario Star Power
+Bass or Treble Cleff

And the one i'm really currently liking...

+'Music Player Settings'

I am also considering putting Evanescence or Seremedy lyrics or maybe something zombie related. C;

Yeah, I know, I know, I am a total bad ass and i'll never get hired with these rebellious tattoos plus i'll scare away my future grandchildren. I'll apologize in advance.


*Just some of my fav tattoo piccy's below*

Thursday 17 October 2013

Living At (My Piano Teachers) Home

I swear I am at my piano teachers house more often after school than I am at my own.-. Like seriously, now that White Rice and I have lessons right after each other, I spend from 3:15-5:30 at her home once a week, plus I babysit 1-2 times every week or so. JESUS. I am never home. Aha.

Anyway today is Rice's and I's first lesson together so we're just chilling in silence on her couch as this adorable little five year old takes her piano lesson (my mum had her lesson just before the little girl and she was no where we as cute, aha). It's kinda hard being silent for so long and not doing much, therefore I am blogging because then I get some done and also I can talk inside of my head and not feel insane. XD

I really just want to get home and practice harp. Plus Cherry and I's matching purses finally came! :D 3 weeks and 1 day I've been waiting. So happy. ;D


P.s. I think the five year old is on drugs, she is laughing hysterically for no reason. @_@