Monday 30 September 2013

White Rice;Never Ending Loop

So Kei and I are such nice people that we've decided to make up nickname for people we don't like and are going to rant about. White Rice happens to be one of them and she is most definitely an important player in our game. We're not mean because we put up with all of her bullshit at school,But sometimes you need to talk about it so you don't completely unravel and loose your mind. One of the most annoying traits that Rice has is when she doesn't know something she just says"Oh,I'll do it later I'm too lazy" and the only reason she thinks she should know everything is because she's Asian. And believe me,It is impossible to forget that fact. Not because it's obvious but because almost every third sentence she says contains the words "Because I'm Asian"

That would be like me going around bragging about my skating(I can't skate) because I'm Canadian. I mean,Everybody has their fair share of annoying shit that friends put up with(Ask Kei. I swear to god I am The MOST annoying person on the face of the earth,But Kei puts up with me) even though everybody has those things the fact that White. Rice brings them up every single day is enough to make you want to slap her in the face. One of the most annoying things (In my book) is Math. I suk at math,End of story,No questions asked. Kei on the other hand, Is like, The best at math, so she helps me. She has to help me, I let her win our Batman arguments(Because we both know Im right) even with all of Keis help I fail half the tests and quizzes. So what Rice does is pushes me down. If I get a lower mark than her then she's like "Oooooh Good Job.....You'll do better next time" and treats me like I should be in grade four math. And if I get a higher mark than her(Keialways gets better marks than both of us) she acts hurt and goes "Well I would know it but I barely studied. I don't have to cause I'm Asian" and the sad thing is she's not smart. It's the Asian stereotype to be a total smart ass but in 8/10 subjects I'm smarter than Rice and. I dumber than a sack of door nails sometimes. So if both Kei and I get a better mark there is a high chance that at lunch time she'll start to cry. She always says she cries because she can't display her emotions properly and cries because she doesn't get mad but that is one of the biggest loads of crap I've heard in the two years I've known her. It does not take a lot to push Rice over the edge and make her mad at you, and she doesn't cry when she's mad. She yells or screams or something like that. Thats just the way she is, But lately(So basically today) she didn't bug me.


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