Thursday 26 September 2013

White Rice; Full Of Bullshit

This blog was made for Cherry and I to just express our feelings, while hopefully entertaining a few people with our awkward lives. So to give the complete tour of Cherry&Kei Co. we've decided to make up names for people in our lives that we want to rant about. c: (I know, we're the nicest people ever, don't even bother with the compliments.)

Anyway, so white rice is a canada born phillipino and she's so annoying! I mean I love her and all, we've been close friends since fourth grade but sometimes she just gets out of hand. Some of Cherry and I's rants may sound stupid and all but if you knew White Rice, you would understand. 

Like last week in Orchestra we were playing the Batman theme song (ironic considering I just posted about Batman, haha) and it was the little tune part in it with kind of off counting and she could not do it what-so ever. And when White Rice gets frustrated she starts to cry because she thinks that since she's 'Asian' that she's automatically smart.-. Like no bitch, HELL NO. Anyway so at the end of class the teacher was like "quite a few of you need to practice this because you aren't getting the counting right" and by that she meant the orchestra neubs and a few first violins, which White Rice is part of (My cello buddy and I had it perfected because we're amazing, lol). So basically one of the class idiots was like "WHITE RICE IS ONE OF THOSE FEW." The teacher bitched at him but it was too late, White Rice was BALLING. And since it was the end of class everyone just shuffled to the door to wait for the official bell to say we can leave. The teacher called White Rice over and since I was last to put my things away I was quite close to them. White Rice was telling stupid lies like she's an insomniac and total bullshit. Ugh, she pisses me off.

I don't know... She just pisses me off. Although lately she's been okay. :)


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