Wednesday 25 September 2013

SideKicks NEVER Win

So,The first time I ever hung out with (Skeletonkei) we decided to be cool. So we played around Six hours of Lego Batman. And ever since then this was kind of our game. She really didn't know how to play so I was Batman(My nickname to this day) and she was Robin(Something. I call her) because Robin in everybody's eyes is 'The SideKick'. It might sound lame but. I think they're equal, Just because Batman has the cape doesn't mean he's better. But in this particular game Batman was better than Robin because I've played before and Kei hasn't. And as we were playing we couldn't figure out one part so we were jumping on things and in things, We were also pushed things and pulled on them and killed each other more times than partners should haveXD
But during one of our epic partner beat downs Kei jumped weird and landed in a pit of toxic goo, When you landed in it you died and re-spawned next to the other person. So after Kei jumped in basically she didn't respawn next to me......She landed back in the toxic goo XD
No matter where she went or if she jumped on something else it just smashed her back in the goo, And of course I couldn't go on without her(And she wouldn't let me go P1 and leave the level then have 2 Players again. So within 20 minutes of playing, This was like the second time at her house and already we were swearing and yelling and losing it. And both of us get extremely competitive while playing so most of the screaming,Name calling, and swearing was directed at each other. And it was sad because we totally glitched the game out :D
So as she was literally falling to her doom with no way to save herself I was having the biggest laugh attack. I couldn't breath and that made Kei madder so she continued yelling at me and then when I could breath I yelled at her again. We are such dorks that even to this day,Around a year later,We argue about it and play the blame game towards who made her fall and who could save her. But we don't just have natural discussions about it,We stop what we're doing and yell. And we don't stop because one of us is talking, We yell louder so we can get over the other person. Neither one of us is going to admit defeat to that because both of us think we're right(But I know I'm right). So we continue yelling,Cause we love each other<3


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