Wednesday 25 September 2013

The Sidekick ALWAYS wins

The first time WildCherry and I ever really hung out we decided to be totally Bad Ass losers and played Lego Batman on my x-box 360 for 6 hours straight. During those 6 hours of swegg we glitched out the game and welp, lets just say it was so intensely lame that we still fight about it now. XD

We were like oh idk, 3 hours in? It was my first time playing lego batman so I was second player (for like the first time in years) and playing robin. Cherry was playing as batman and she'd actually somewhat played it before so when we had to jump over a huge gorge of toxic goo, she succeeded within her first try. And then there was me, I totally failed and ended up falling in the goo BUT as I was falling to my doom Cherry moved her character which moved the whole cameras point of view (if you've played Lego batman you'll know what I'm talking about) which glitched out the game. I died in the goo at the same moment the P.O.V. completely passed over my character. I yelled at Cherry and told her to move her ass back to the gorge because I spawned on the other side of it. She yelled back saying you spawn next to the other player. WELL GUESS WHAT CHERRY?! I DIDN'T.

I had a total panic attack because when Cherry moved the screen back my character wasn't there. I started freaking out when Cherry started to laugh. I peered all over the screen and there I was, standing in the middle of toxic goo. I repeatedly tried to jump out but Robin's not as skilled at jumping/flying as Batman so I was stuck. 

To this day, a year later, we still have screaming matches about it. Some in the middle of class, others at each other's homes. Wherever it is, Cherry still doesn't like to admit defeat and that she totally screwed up the game. But hey, as long as you know the real truth right?


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