Monday 30 September 2013


So this a blog written by both Cherry and Kei, It's just to explain everyones nicknames to you. So it's going to be updated all the time.

White Rice= Her nickname is sarcastic because she always says she's Asian(Rice is typically an Asian dish) and she thinks she's super pale so she's white.

Penny=This is NOT her real name. we used this name because a penny is two faced and in everyones pants,Just like her

China Doll= When I(Cherry) was younger I always though china dolls were dumb, They get themselves locked in boxes and cases and this person is also stupid. China dolls are also fragile, As is this person, If you say the wrong thing it might break her.

Piano Whore=This girl comes and bother us every day at lunch time. She tries to twerk on the piano but all that she's doing is moving her butt up and down on the keys. SO she's a Piano whore.

White Rice;Never Ending Loop

So Kei and I are such nice people that we've decided to make up nickname for people we don't like and are going to rant about. White Rice happens to be one of them and she is most definitely an important player in our game. We're not mean because we put up with all of her bullshit at school,But sometimes you need to talk about it so you don't completely unravel and loose your mind. One of the most annoying traits that Rice has is when she doesn't know something she just says"Oh,I'll do it later I'm too lazy" and the only reason she thinks she should know everything is because she's Asian. And believe me,It is impossible to forget that fact. Not because it's obvious but because almost every third sentence she says contains the words "Because I'm Asian"

That would be like me going around bragging about my skating(I can't skate) because I'm Canadian. I mean,Everybody has their fair share of annoying shit that friends put up with(Ask Kei. I swear to god I am The MOST annoying person on the face of the earth,But Kei puts up with me) even though everybody has those things the fact that White. Rice brings them up every single day is enough to make you want to slap her in the face. One of the most annoying things (In my book) is Math. I suk at math,End of story,No questions asked. Kei on the other hand, Is like, The best at math, so she helps me. She has to help me, I let her win our Batman arguments(Because we both know Im right) even with all of Keis help I fail half the tests and quizzes. So what Rice does is pushes me down. If I get a lower mark than her then she's like "Oooooh Good Job.....You'll do better next time" and treats me like I should be in grade four math. And if I get a higher mark than her(Keialways gets better marks than both of us) she acts hurt and goes "Well I would know it but I barely studied. I don't have to cause I'm Asian" and the sad thing is she's not smart. It's the Asian stereotype to be a total smart ass but in 8/10 subjects I'm smarter than Rice and. I dumber than a sack of door nails sometimes. So if both Kei and I get a better mark there is a high chance that at lunch time she'll start to cry. She always says she cries because she can't display her emotions properly and cries because she doesn't get mad but that is one of the biggest loads of crap I've heard in the two years I've known her. It does not take a lot to push Rice over the edge and make her mad at you, and she doesn't cry when she's mad. She yells or screams or something like that. Thats just the way she is, But lately(So basically today) she didn't bug me.


Thursday 26 September 2013

White Rice; Full Of Bullshit

This blog was made for Cherry and I to just express our feelings, while hopefully entertaining a few people with our awkward lives. So to give the complete tour of Cherry&Kei Co. we've decided to make up names for people in our lives that we want to rant about. c: (I know, we're the nicest people ever, don't even bother with the compliments.)

Anyway, so white rice is a canada born phillipino and she's so annoying! I mean I love her and all, we've been close friends since fourth grade but sometimes she just gets out of hand. Some of Cherry and I's rants may sound stupid and all but if you knew White Rice, you would understand. 

Like last week in Orchestra we were playing the Batman theme song (ironic considering I just posted about Batman, haha) and it was the little tune part in it with kind of off counting and she could not do it what-so ever. And when White Rice gets frustrated she starts to cry because she thinks that since she's 'Asian' that she's automatically smart.-. Like no bitch, HELL NO. Anyway so at the end of class the teacher was like "quite a few of you need to practice this because you aren't getting the counting right" and by that she meant the orchestra neubs and a few first violins, which White Rice is part of (My cello buddy and I had it perfected because we're amazing, lol). So basically one of the class idiots was like "WHITE RICE IS ONE OF THOSE FEW." The teacher bitched at him but it was too late, White Rice was BALLING. And since it was the end of class everyone just shuffled to the door to wait for the official bell to say we can leave. The teacher called White Rice over and since I was last to put my things away I was quite close to them. White Rice was telling stupid lies like she's an insomniac and total bullshit. Ugh, she pisses me off.

I don't know... She just pisses me off. Although lately she's been okay. :)


Wednesday 25 September 2013

SideKicks NEVER Win

So,The first time I ever hung out with (Skeletonkei) we decided to be cool. So we played around Six hours of Lego Batman. And ever since then this was kind of our game. She really didn't know how to play so I was Batman(My nickname to this day) and she was Robin(Something. I call her) because Robin in everybody's eyes is 'The SideKick'. It might sound lame but. I think they're equal, Just because Batman has the cape doesn't mean he's better. But in this particular game Batman was better than Robin because I've played before and Kei hasn't. And as we were playing we couldn't figure out one part so we were jumping on things and in things, We were also pushed things and pulled on them and killed each other more times than partners should haveXD
But during one of our epic partner beat downs Kei jumped weird and landed in a pit of toxic goo, When you landed in it you died and re-spawned next to the other person. So after Kei jumped in basically she didn't respawn next to me......She landed back in the toxic goo XD
No matter where she went or if she jumped on something else it just smashed her back in the goo, And of course I couldn't go on without her(And she wouldn't let me go P1 and leave the level then have 2 Players again. So within 20 minutes of playing, This was like the second time at her house and already we were swearing and yelling and losing it. And both of us get extremely competitive while playing so most of the screaming,Name calling, and swearing was directed at each other. And it was sad because we totally glitched the game out :D
So as she was literally falling to her doom with no way to save herself I was having the biggest laugh attack. I couldn't breath and that made Kei madder so she continued yelling at me and then when I could breath I yelled at her again. We are such dorks that even to this day,Around a year later,We argue about it and play the blame game towards who made her fall and who could save her. But we don't just have natural discussions about it,We stop what we're doing and yell. And we don't stop because one of us is talking, We yell louder so we can get over the other person. Neither one of us is going to admit defeat to that because both of us think we're right(But I know I'm right). So we continue yelling,Cause we love each other<3


The Sidekick ALWAYS wins

The first time WildCherry and I ever really hung out we decided to be totally Bad Ass losers and played Lego Batman on my x-box 360 for 6 hours straight. During those 6 hours of swegg we glitched out the game and welp, lets just say it was so intensely lame that we still fight about it now. XD

We were like oh idk, 3 hours in? It was my first time playing lego batman so I was second player (for like the first time in years) and playing robin. Cherry was playing as batman and she'd actually somewhat played it before so when we had to jump over a huge gorge of toxic goo, she succeeded within her first try. And then there was me, I totally failed and ended up falling in the goo BUT as I was falling to my doom Cherry moved her character which moved the whole cameras point of view (if you've played Lego batman you'll know what I'm talking about) which glitched out the game. I died in the goo at the same moment the P.O.V. completely passed over my character. I yelled at Cherry and told her to move her ass back to the gorge because I spawned on the other side of it. She yelled back saying you spawn next to the other player. WELL GUESS WHAT CHERRY?! I DIDN'T.

I had a total panic attack because when Cherry moved the screen back my character wasn't there. I started freaking out when Cherry started to laugh. I peered all over the screen and there I was, standing in the middle of toxic goo. I repeatedly tried to jump out but Robin's not as skilled at jumping/flying as Batman so I was stuck. 

To this day, a year later, we still have screaming matches about it. Some in the middle of class, others at each other's homes. Wherever it is, Cherry still doesn't like to admit defeat and that she totally screwed up the game. But hey, as long as you know the real truth right?
